Volunteering – January 2025
/It has been a busy month for volunteering – all Missouri Master Naturalist but quite a variety.
Citizen science. Project Feeder Watch is something I do looking through a window of my home to my bird feeders for 2 hours per week (4 30-minute observation times). My husband does it with me and I record the maximum numbers of individuals we see of each species. It is a great way to enjoy the outdoors when the weather is too cold or wet for being outdoors! And 2 hours a week from November to April will add quite a few volunteer hours to my Missouri Master Naturalist total!
Educational presentations at Cedar County Libraries. The presentations themselves are only an hour each but there is a lot of preparation for them…and there is travel time for me (over an hour each way from where I live). I have enjoyed the interactions and am relieved that my partner is taking the lead on half of them. This is the biggest chunk of volunteer hours recently and we still have 2 to go in February – and I am leading the last of those sessions.
Program Chairperson for the master naturalist chapter (i.e. supporting administration of the chapter). The job requires snippets of time so far….but they do add up. I have presentations set for February and March….with many ideas at various stages of development for future programs. Some have been tentatively set for a particular month. I want to be 2-3 months ahead speakers that have committed to speak.
Thinking ahead…I will probably trend toward citizen science volunteering with occasional outreach and educational presentations. This is a reversal from the volunteering I did in Maryland. I haven’t found an organization that has themed-hike leader volunteer opportunities like Howard County Conservancy did in Maryland. There is a butterfly house in Springfield that seems to need volunteers similar to Brookside Gardens did for their Wings of Fancy (pre-pandemic). That will be an outreach/educational type of volunteering I can do in the warmer months and I am looking forward to getting linked up to do that in the spring.