Volunteering – March 2025
/Am I settling into my post-covid level of volunteering? I’m not sure. I’m still changing…I’m discovering that some of the activities at did pre-Covid are either not readily available here or I prefer different things.
I am enjoying the Friends of the Library used book volunteering once a month and then helping with the used book sales. Sometimes I can find used puzzles for my dad in the piles of donated books! On the downside, moving boxes of books is harder for me now; I am going to start loading books into boxes already on the stack rather than having to lift them after they are loaded!
The bulk of my volunteer time is as a Missouri Master Naturalist. There is a lot of variety in types of activities: chairing the programs committee (speakers for the monthly chapter meeting), volunteering with local stewardship non-profits like James River Basin Partnership, nature programs for elementary aged children (Cedar County Libraries) and citizen science (Feeder Watch). I am thinking a bit about the seasons of this type of volunteering. Feeder Watch is from October to April, for example. I am anticipating a few more nature programs this spring but the dominate volunteering over the summer might be the Butterfly House at the Springfield Botanical Garden that opens in mid-May. I’ve established a goal for myself to volunteer 250 hours in 2025 and, so far, that goal seems achievable!