More Used Puzzles

The county just north of where I live is more populous and their Friends of the Library sale was a lot larger – held in a building of the county fairgrounds. They filled the large building with tables loaded mostly with books but there were some CDs and a few puzzles/board games. I bought the best of the 500-piece puzzles to take to my parents – 17 boxes that contained 28 puzzles…for the bargain total of $52! I was grateful that my husband went with me to help get them into bags…through checkout…and into the car. I’ll be taking them to Carrollton in a few days….adding them to the stack I created last month (probably a little reduced with my parents finishing some of them). They enjoy having lots of puzzles to choose from!

In the 1990s, I went to used books sales…and staggered out with so many books I could hardly lift my bags. But now I am not tempted. I read eBooks…and for things like planning travel, I do searches to get the most current information rather than buy dated books. It felt a little strange to go to a large used book sale and buy nothing at all. My husband was not tempted either.

30 years ago – April 1992

April 1992 was probably the most traumatic month of my career…I ended my work on what I had come to think of as ‘the project from hell’ but hadn’t settled into my new assignment. My husband had helped my situation when he bought our first laser printer in response to the long hours I spent working at home after a full day at the office. It also helped to be away at a company sponsored event in LA for a week…respite from the toxic work environment; one of the phrases I picked up from the speakers was from Herb Cohen – “Care…but not too much” – a message I needed to apply!

My daughter was a full of energy and enjoying her new bedroom arrangement – no more crib; she was enjoying a twin bed. Her Easter morning was probably one of her best ever – she enjoyed finding the plastic eggs ‘hidden’ all over our den and the Winnie-the-Pooh characters I had purchased at the Disney store when I was in LA. The day was too damp to do any egg hunting outside.  Toward the end of the month, it was warm enough for a trek to Wheaton Park where she picked a zebra to ride on the Merry-go-round.

Overall – a memorable month. I am so fortunate that my family kept me emotionally grounded enough to weather the upheaval at work.

30 Years Ago – August 1990

30 years ago – in August 1990 – my daughter and her cousin were getting close to being a year old. My sister’s family traveled from Texas to Maryland so that the girls could spend time together. Both babies were cruising…but not walking yet. We planned outings that they seemed to enjoy. At the Smithsonian’s Air and Space museum the babies interacted with each other as well as their surroundings. They were wheeled around in strollers.

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At Brookside, they rode in back packs – taking in the sights and sounds of the gardens.

They enjoyed homemade elephant shaped cookies for a special treat.

After our company left, it was still a busy month with me getting ready to go back to full time work. We bought a new car for me – a Honda Accord – that we owned for long enough that my daughter remembers it.

My parents in Texas were in the process of moving to a new house…trying to get it done before my mother started the school year (teaching middle school).

As I looked at the pictures and read my notes about the month – it was obvious that we were adjusting…getting more acclimated to what it was going to be like with me putting in more hours at work. It still was not easy. I was missing spending as much time with my daughter and my husband was figuring out ways he could help more. We were both experimenting with new routines…but realizing that we’d made positive changes since July.

Unique Activities for Yesterday:

Sweet Potato Sprout. I found a sweet potato sprouting in my pantry…and broke off the sprout before cooking the potato. The first picture is the way it looked on the day I put it in water….2 days later it has roots! I am going to wait until it has a green leaf before planting it out in a cleared place in the front flower bed. It won’t have enough time to make sweet potatoes before frost, but I should get some tender salad greens (leaves and soft stems)!

30 Years Ago – July 1990

30 years ago, in July 1990, we made our first trip to Watkins Glen State Park in New York. Our daughter was the perfect size to enjoy the Gorge Trail in a back carrier. My husband and I traded off climbing up the stairs. She enjoyed putting her hands in the water falling from overhead ledges and was excited with the larger amount of water when the trail went behind a waterfall.

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Staying in a hotel was exciting for her too. She was not walking yet but pulling up frequently. Being in a strange bed for the night made it hard for her to fall asleep…but she still woke up at her regular early time (6 AM).

I was working three days a week and beginning to realize how hectic things were going to be working full time in the fall. I felt pulled in a lot of directions and exhausted on some days. It helped to have the house cleaners come every week rather than every other week and have my husband help clean up after dinner….but I was still somewhat anxious about the transition.

My daughter was easier and harder to feed all at the same time. She liked peanut butter and rice cake ‘sandwiches’ and finger foods….but also was being very clear about the things she didn’t like. We were trying to encourage more solid foods, but she was a baby that liked her formula/milk.

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She was getting more coordinated at more than eating. She liked to drop things over the side of her play pen…and then indicate that she wanted them back.

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Overlaid on everything was the evidence that my rearranging in May and June to make the house safe for the baby was paying off…even though I was still making tweaks…discovering some areas I hadn’t thought about before. She found the cat door to the basement stairs very quickly; I opted to block the opening since it appeared that she would be able to wiggle through it.

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The muffin/cake pans, the skillets and plasticware were perfect height for her inspection. I hadn’t thought about the scattering of items on the kitchen floor….and having to always clean them right before use. I decided to put some baby latches on some of the cabinets but the drawer under the stove was always available for her to open.

I padded the brick hearth with an old area run and some cushions. The cat liked the arrangement as much as the baby did.

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I was preparing for my sister’s family to visit in August; her daughter is a week older than mine and they were both coming up on the 1 year mark.

My parents were in the process of buying a new house…a local move in the Dallas area. And they are still living in that house today!

Overall – a month that our family rolled with the changes of developing child and my going back to work…building our resilience to cope with the anticipated challenge of me going to full time work in the fall.

Filling a Day of Social Distance – 4/25/2020

Continuing the blog post series prompted by COVID-19….

Here are the unique activities for yesterday:

Spotting a Rose-breasted Grosbeak. The bird was a on the gutter of our covered deck initially – then on the feeder. This is a first sighting for this species at our feeder. I managed to tell my husband in time for him to see it too. It was the most exciting event of the morning! The bird flew off to the maple tree then returned several more times during the morning. It was assertive enough to drive away the cowbirds!

Catching up on Charles Cockell’s Life in the Universe Pandemic Series:

Reflecting on my own wardrobe over the decades. After finishing the Fashion as Design Coursera course, I am doing some thinking about my wardrobe history. What was memorable about each decade (after I was old enough for clear memories).


I started school in 1960 so a lot of my growing up was done during the decade. I can remember learning to iron my clothes early on but being thrilled later with synthetics that did not need to be ironed. Underwear and socks were ordered from Sears as needed, but we shopped in local stores for clothes and shoes. I rarely had more clothes that I needed to last between the weekly laundry days although we did have seasonal clothes that we kept in heavy cardboard barrels during the off season. As I got older, my mother involved us in deciding the clothes we wanted with the budget she allocated for each of us. I learned to sew to stretch the dollars as I got older.

The schools I went to were not air conditioned until I was in high school so the beginning and ending of the school year (in Texas) was extremely hot. Maybe it was a positive thing that girls were expected to wear dresses to school!

I remember dresses getting shorter and shorter as the decade progressed. In 6th grade I had a drop waist dress that I liked a lot. High school colors were important.

The worst fashion of the decade from my perspective was corrective oxfords. I had flat feet. The oxfords were white leather with metal arch supports to hold the foot as it grew. They didn’t help at all since my foot already was the size it is now by the time I started wearing them. They were heavy and awkward; I seemed to always be catching the low, clunky heal on my ankle (frequently enough that scars formed).


My dresses and skirts reached their maximum shortness in the early 1970s. It seems that I transitioned to wearing slacks and jeans more during the decade.

I was making all my clothes except underwear and jeans…even making some dress and flannel shirts for my husband. I made my own wedding dress out of white brocade upholstery fabric (for a January wedding).

My clothes had to go from office to school because after I graduated from high school, I was working full then going to college classes in the evenings. I still didn’t have many clothes; they were all general purpose. There is a picture of me in a vest, puffed sleeve blouse, pants rolled up over my socks – carrying a camera bag on a geology field trip – not the most practical outfit (or shoes) for hiking!

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Later in the decade I started dressing up a little more for work because I was moving up in the organization. I remember liking dirndl skirts and squarish jackets – scarves/jewel necklines or blouses with wide ties at the neck. I’d learned to tie square knots and good bows in the early years of the decade.

I did buy my first pair of hiking boot – heavy, leather that was so stiff that the tops made blisters on my ankles when I wore them to hike down to the plateau level of the Grand Canyon.


I started out the decade sewing everything then sewing blouses (I even made one with a several with crocheted sections around the neck). I took some classes to refine my tailoring skills. But by mid-decade, I was ordering by suits from Spiegel. By the end of the decade I stopped sewing completely; it wasn’t as economical as it had been previously and – with motherhood and working full time – there was no time.

I wore 2- or 3-piece suits to work from about 1984 to the later part of the 1990s. I was moving up in my career and the suits were part of the corporate culture for men and women. I liked skirts that had an actual pleat in the back rather than a slit and a small inner pocket in the jacket (I never used any external pockets). I wore blouses with lace or crochet or a bow at the neck….or a scarf. The suits were all solid colors – black, navy, gray, red jacket/dark skirt. One of my favorites was tan silk; I always got compliments on it. I wore it with a black blouse or with a scarf that was maroon and the exact tan of the suit.

My work shoes were generally black or navy pumps (often a sling strap because my heel was so narrow that the others didn’t fit well) with a 2-inch heel.



During the 1990s, office attire transitioned gradually from suits to business casual. Black slacks became a staple (particularly pull on or invisible side zipper slacks) and I paired them with the blouses covered by jackets or cardigans that I kept on while I was in the office. I ordered most of my clothes from catalogs by bought underwear and shoes locally.


My husband, daughter and I wore look alike t-shirts/sweatshirts from places we visited on vacations for casual wear with jeans, shorts, or sweatpants.



I bought several ‘throw back’ items in the 2000s. one was a crocheted sweater jacket. Which was something I associated with the 1970s…even though I hadn’t worn one then. I got lots of compliments on it and still wear it now.

Several tapestry jackets were also added to my wardrobe. I remembered having some bell bottom tapestry pants in the 1970s that I enjoyed until they wore out. I donated a couple of the jackets when I retired from my career but have kept one that I wear occasionally.

Some of my clothes came from thrift stores – particularly some of the black slacks and colorful blouses to pair with otherwise dark jackets. It was thrilling to find things appropriate for ‘business casual’ for so little.


One of my favorite jackets was a gift from my Mother….I usually wear it buttoned….over one of my many pairs of black slacks


By the 2010s, almost all my work shoes were clog type heels. The only pair I have left had soft leather uppers and are slightly lower heels that the ones from early in the decade. I liked square toes. Eventually my knees started hurting if I walked a lot in the shoes and I was glad to go to much flatter shoes by the time I retired.

For the last years of my career I wore a wig to work; it was my way to have ‘great hair’ every day that earlier generations of professional women – like my mother – got by having a weekly appointment with a hairdresser. The wig was less time consuming.

I also built up more casual clothes for outdoors. My daughter enjoyed being outdoors and most of the family vacation were to National Parks (or similar places). And then my volunteer gigs needed those same type of clothes.

Longer skirts are my favorite warm weather clothes. Most of them I find at thrift store and some of them are probably decades old!



These days I like leggings (jean or cotton knit) with tunics. The tunics need to have something unique: asymmetric hem, embroidery, or color.

Overall - there are a lot of synthetic fabrics in my closet that will last a long time. I’ve gotten rid of the things I don’t wear via donation…and plan to keep what I have for the foreseeable future!

Links to my previous “filling a day of social distance” posts  here.