Friends of the Library Volunteering

I enjoy volunteering for the Friends of the Library used books/puzzles sale. Last week it was at the branch closest to where I live. I volunteered twice: at the preview sale for people in the Friends of the Library group and then the morning of the $3/bag on the last day of sale. I took some pictures of the tables of books just before we opened the doors for the preview sale.

There were a lot of books that left the building on both days and I was glad since this is the main way Friends raises money to support special programs at the library. I was handling the cash box on the first afternoon and then straightened books remaining as the morning progressed on the $3 bag day (so many books are being sold that the tables look messy quickly). Both days were 2 hours well spent from my perspective – the $ raised and the great social interactions; the other volunteers are always helpful and I’m beginning to recognize repeat customers.

I got a total of 6 puzzles for my dad, a big cookie pan/cookbook, and 3 children’s books….and a FOL t-shirt which helps me look like a volunteer rather than someone that is a neatnik shopper! There is one more sale before the end of the year and I’ll try to help with set up for that one. The main day of the sale conflicts with a required Missouri Master Naturalist field trip.