Gleanings of the Week Ending March 15, 2025

The items below were ‘the cream’ of the articles and websites I found this past week. Click on the light green text to look at the article.

The Largest Harbor in Ancient Greece Is Centuries Older Than We Thought - A discovery of lead pollution and 5 lumps of brown coals were carbon dated to the days of the Bronze Age.

When This Brilliant Author Died, She Left Behind a Legacy of Grief, Haunting Poetry and Surprising Resilience – I remember reading Silvia Plath books as a teenager.

Maple seeds’ unique spinning motion allows them to travel far even in the rain, a new study shows – Autorotation keeps the seeds in the air for longer, so they travel farther. The researchers studied how raindrops that hit the seeds reduce the time they are in the air. The next part of the study will look at rolling samaras (from tulip poplar and ash trees).

Rare Footage Shows Baby Polar Bears Emerging from Their Den in the Arctic - At birth, polar bears are blind, nearly hairless and weigh just over a pound—about the same as a loaf of bread. But they spend their first few months snuggled inside a snowy den, fattening up on their mother’s milk. By the time they emerge in the spring, the cubs are covered in fluffy white fur and weigh 22 to 26 pounds. Scientists have managed to capture rare footage of a polar bear mother and her cubs leaving their den in the Arctic for the first time.

Summer Heat Wave in South America - In February 2025, an area of high pressure parked over the southern Atlantic Ocean, causing temperatures to soar in parts of South America. As of February 27, Argentina noted that six provinces were under a red-level (very dangerous) alert for extreme heat.

The world's strongest ocean current should be getting faster – instead, it is at risk of failing – The Antarctic Circumpolar Current - five times stronger than the Gulf Stream and more than 100 times stronger than the Amazon River. Fresh, cool water from melting Antarctic ice is diluting the salty water of the ocean, potentially disrupting the vital ocean current.

More Than 1,500 Sandhill Cranes Killed by Bird Flu in Indiana - In recent weeks, biologists with the Indiana Department of Natural Resources have counted hundreds of dead sandhill cranes statewide. At least 500 of the birds were found dead in Jackson County, in the south-central part of the state, in early January. So far, no sick or dead cranes have been reported in Nebraska.

Inside the Clear Waters of England’s Ancient Chalk Streams - A globally rare type of waterway found almost exclusively in England—these rivers’ specific features both create rare biodiverse habitats and make them uniquely vulnerable. Burbling up from aquifers formed in chalk layers that date back to the Cretaceous Period, these rivers exist only where chalk sits close to the Earth’s surface. That’s why of the 200-odd identified chalk streams in the world, nearly all of them are found in England, where 66 million years ago a shallow seabed collected the skeletons of aquatic creatures—the makings of chalk. Ideal habitat for trout and Atlantic salmon.

How our lungs back up the bone marrow to make our blood - Researchers at UCSF found hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) in human lung tissue that make red blood cells, as well as megakaryocytes, which produce the platelets that form blood clots.

Gold Jewelry Found at Karnak Temple - Karnak was the largest and one of the most important religious sites in ancient Egypt. An Egyptian-French team was investigating the northwest sector of the precinct when they uncovered a ceramic vessel that contained a collection of gold jewelry and statuettes dating to the 26th Dynasty (664–526 b.c.). One of the statuettes depicts the Theban triad of gods: Amun, his wife Mut, and their son Khonsu. Archaeologists also discovered several mudbrick buildings dating to the same era that were likely used as workshops or storage facilities connected to the Karnak temples.

Road trip to London, Ontario (and back)

When my daughter told me about a conference she was attending in London, Ontario in early October, I volunteered to go too – doing half the driving. Flying directly to the place was expensive and flying to Toronto necessitated some form of transportation from there to the smaller city (rental car, bus, or train). She liked the road trip idea, and I booked a room in the same hotel where she had. We opted to make the 14-hour drive over two days with the 1st day being the long one in each direction. Her employer provided a rental car.

My husband took us to pick up the rental car on the morning we were leaving. My daughter forgot her coat (and the forecast in Canada indicated she would need it) so a stop by her house delayed us a little…but I had an opportunity to enjoy the fall roses near her driveway and

The spectacular pods on her magnolia. Maybe we can harvest some of the pods when they have the red seeds in them to use in December decorations.

The first-day drive was a long slog – over 9 hours – and we passed from Central to Eastern time. We arrived at the hotel at sunset.

We had chosen a restaurant for dinner…but it had closed about 20 minutes before we got there! Fortunately, there was another one nearby that worked out just as well.

The next morning, we were up early. My daughter splurged on a huge cinnamon roll from the hotel’s breakfast. I had my usual dark chocolate then ate the rest of the carrots I had brought for the road (finishing everything that needed to be kept cool). We stopped at the Anna Scripps Whitcomb Conservatory and Belle Island Aquarium…on the island in the Detroit River (more about that in subsequent posts). We had lunch on the patio at Ivy Kitchen in Detroit (Jefferson Street) afterwards. My daughter ordered a mimosa and was challenged for the rest of the lunch with wasps taking an interest.

We made it to London, Ontario by about 4PM having crossed into Canada at Sarnia and unpacked in our home-away-from-home for the next week. Since the rooms had kitchens, we bought a few groceries.

A week later, we go up before the sun. I took a picture of the sunrise just before I headed down to the parking garage with my luggage.

Google Maps routed use toward the border crossing between Windsor and Detroit rather than reversing our previous route. The route was like an interstate the whole way! A few things were different: the road number was on a crown rather than a shield, the ‘food’ symbol on signs included a cup/saucer with the familiar knife and fork, the speed limits were in KM and the gas plumps dispensed L of gas!

My daughter was driving so I was able to take pictures of the Detroit skyline while we went over the Ambassador Bridge back into the US. There was more traffic at the Windsor-Detroit crossing and it took longer than the Sarnia crossing a week earlier, but the ETA that Google had calculated for us must have taken it into account since we arrived at our hotel only a few minutes ‘late.’

The route crossed Michigan, Indiana and into Illinois. We were back on Central time.The next day was a shorter day and we got off early…arrived home in Missouri by noon! Both of us were keen to do laundry and otherwise get back to ‘normal.’

More posts over the next week about what I did in London, Ontario!

Last Trip to Maryland

We opted to drive to Maryland one last time…for the closing on the house there and last goodbyes to some favorite places. We started out shortly after 6:30 AM for the two-day drive – with a much longer drive on the 1st day. The first stop from Springfield was the Route 66 rest stop along I-44 near Conway. Our route was the interstate along the old Route 66 until St. Louis.

It was sunny and hot for most of the day – traversing Illinois and Indiana and most of Kentucky. The only big cities on the route were St. Louis and Louisville. We stopped in Ashland, KY for the night; we had driven out of the hot and dry Midwest and into rain. The last rest stop of the day (in Kentucky) was one that included oak leaf hydrangeas in their landscaping…reminding me that I want to plant one or two in my new yard.

The next day it rained…and rained. Most was not too heavy and did not delay us as we travelled through West Virginia and into Maryland. It did change the type of photography is did at the rest stops I switched to macro photography– lichen, moss, buds, insect, shelf fungus. I took several pictures from inside the car (since I wasn’t driving). Sidling Hill is more interesting from the highway than the eastward rest stop!

And then we were at our old house…more on the time we spent in Maryland tomorrow.

Whirlwind trip to Maryland and Back

I left early after only one day in the Missouri house that was now ours…to go back to the Maryland house. It would be a 4-day trip with lots of driving each day. The weather was good for the whole trip although it had been very wet the days before. The early rest stops were soggy. I drove from Springfield MO to Huntington WV the first day…a bit long but I knew I would need time at my Maryland house to load the car on the second day. It rained heavily after I was at the hotel!

The Red Roof Inn in Huntington was a surprise. Perhaps it had been recently renovated because the lighting over the bed and the size/arrangement of the desk area were more functional than most hotel rooms.

I was up early the next morning and heading to my Maryland house. At one of the West Virginia stops, I noticed a dead tree…took a closer look at the fungus growing on the trunk.

The drive was uneventful…arriving early enough to have lunch with my husband on our Maryland house deck…and then start the daunting task of loading the cars. Our plan was to caravan back to Missouri with everything from the Maryland house….but we couldn’t quite fit everything so we’ll return to Maryland for the closing on that house; everything left will easily fit in one car. I took pictures of the house without furniture…with the new carpet…before we headed to a nearby hotel for the night.

We headed out early….saw morning sun on the Sidling Hill road cut.

After another night in a hotel, we got another early start…destination our house in Missouri. The drive took a dramatic turn at mid-morning: the front driver’s side tire blew out on my car just east of the Skeeter Mountain rest stop in Indiana. I was glad my husband was following me. It occurred on a bridge….part of the tire flying off…I managed to control the car well enough to pull onto the shoulder past the bridge. I sat in the car after I got it stopped. My husband came up and asked if I was OK…’not really’ was my response. Fortunately, the trauma was emotional rather than physical. We both stood further off on the shoulder, and he called for a tow (my car does not have a spare). I took pictures of the car…and the vegetation nearby. The tow truck came in about 20 minutes…about 10 AM; the tow to a tire place took about 30 minutes and a new tire was on the car by about noon. We continued toward our Missouri home.

Fortunately, the rest of the drive was uneventful…the blow out episode causing a 3-hour delay…not bad overall. Both of us went to bed early - emotionally exhausted once the drive was over.

MD to MO with a very full car

My car was loaded to the ceiling behind the driver’s seat after the movers left; I was relying on side mirrors and backup camera for the drive between Maryland and Missouri. The next morning, I loaded the passenger seat and floorboard (not to the ceiling), took a few pictures of the front of our Maryland house, and was away before 6:30 AM for the 1st day drive…projected to be 10 hours.

I made the usual rest stops in Maryland. The weather was excellent for driving…a comfortable temperature and dry. Once again – I appreciated adaptive cruise control…after I got acclimated driving at highway speeds again; it took me about an hour to feel comfortable going 70+ mph.

The highway through West Virginia is a pleasure – lots of great scenery and curves to make it interesting. I discovered that the extra weight of the car (fully loaded) made it more stable on the curves! On a sad note – along with deer roadkill, there seemed to be quite a few foxes; saddest of all…there were two very small fox carcasses not far apart. I noticed catalpas blooming along the highway…remembered the trees from my childhood; considered planting one in my new yard.

Kentucky is also scenic – and this time there was no traffic problems getting through Louisville into Indiana (bridge renovation closes a lane…but the traffic was light enough that everything flowed smoothly).

The hotel for the first night was in Indiana and I took a picture of at sunset from my hotel window. I parked my car where I could see it and kept checking to make sure it was OK; other people parked around me --- made the obviously stuffed car less obvious. The area is still in the eastern time (very close to the western edge of the zone) so it didn’t get dark until after 9; I closed the blackout curtains and went to bed early after the long drive.

I bought the most expensive gas of the trip in Illinois. I’ll remember when I make the next trip to fill the tank in Missouri or Indiana!

And then I was in Missouri – making very good time even though the traffic was heavier on I-44 than anywhere else along the route. The first rest stop is due to close for renovation soon so it will be a long stretch without a rest stop….we’ll have to make a stop at a fast food place instead. There was a marked difference in the type of roadkill once I got into Missouri – no deer or fox…there were a few racoons and (surprise) lots of armadillos! Evidently the animals were first seen in the state about 40 years ago and their numbers have been increasing in the southern part of the Missouri ever since; they are not seen in the northern part of the state (yet)! I learned that they often destroy yards very quickly (they root around searching for invertebrates in the soil) and are very active in the Springfield area!

On both days, I made such good time that I made up for the rest stops…arrived within minutes of what my car’s navigation system calculated first thing in the morning as I was starting the drive!

I stayed with my daughter overnight. Stay tuned for a post about the next day: walk through…closing…unloading the very full car…a first night in a new home.

Missouri to Maryland

We made the road trip back from Missouri – having walked through the house we are buying and brief by the house inspector (the final results were still pending, but we did get to talk with the inspector about the house while he was in the house). The route was a reverse of the one we had taken from Maryland (see my post here). The weather was dry both days….much appreciated. The temperatures stayed cool even though the sun was shining most of the time. On the first day, our route started in Springfield, Missouri, crossed southern Illinois and Indiana, and ended in Lexington, Kentucky.

The part in Missouri parallels old Route 66…one of the rest stops highlights that history. Evidence of spring is easy to find at every stop.

I wondered how long the leaning tree near one of the picnic areas - caught by neighboring trees before it could reach the ground - would stay in that precarious position.

I zoomed in on the back of one of the horse sculptures at the Kentucky welcome center: Peacock feathers!

The next morning we left before sunrise and I took a picture the sunrise blush silhouetting trees on a ridge. The route the second day was from Lexington, Kentucky, through West Virginia, and ended at home in central Maryland.

More spring: dandelions already going to seed before the other plants in the bed even have buds, red buds planted along the roadway and rest stop parking lots, azaleas just beginning their bloom, daffodils still blooming in the mountains (done for the season at lower elevations). There was enough breeze to extend the flags in West Virginia…but not at the same time!

And then we reached Maryland. The scenic overlook/welcome center had good views of the lake and daffodils were still blooming there. The Sidling Hill stop had yellow tulips. And then we didn’t need to the stop at South Mountain. We were keen to be home!

Even though the weather was good for driving, my husband and I realized during our first day driving that our two days in Springfield had not been long enough to recover from the trek to Missouri. He was having lots of neck and shoulder aches and I was feeling exhausted. We agreed that short turn around trips with that much driving should be avoided from now on!

Maryland to Missouri – a road trip as passenger

I’ve been making road trips between my home in Maryland to Missouri on my own until recently when my husband went with me to see the house we are buying. It was so different to be a passenger rather than driving myself!

The route was familiar and there were no cold weather hazards this time. More daylight made it possible for us to start the drive before 7 in daylight – leaving behind the fading blooms on the cherry and plum tree in the front of our Maryland home.

The first day of the trek was the easiest; it was cloudy with mists and sprinkles…occasional sunshine.

The daffodils were still in full bloom at the South Mountain rest stop; the elevation makes a difference; the flowers have already faded at hour home closer to Washington DC/Baltimore.

I took a few extra minutes at Sidling Hill to photograph the road cut. It is awesome.

There were plenty of rest stops along the way – a quick walk to the facilities through the damp.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

And the bridges at Louisville KY.

We stopped for the night at a hotel in Corydon, IN that has a historical marker in its parking lot!

The next day was harder after we were about halfway through the drive – very heavy rain. The early rest stops still held some beauty – trees on ridges, violets and spring beauties and dandelions.

It was safe to take pictures of the arch at St. Louis because I wasn’t driving!

The pictures taken at the rest stops in Missouri were through the window because of the rain. For some reason the fire hydrant near a picnic table tickled me.

And then we were at our hotel…glad that the heavy rain did not include lots of thunder/lightning and high winds that had been part of the forecast.

Road Trip to Missouri

I set out on my 2-day drive to Missouri the morning after a winter storm came through. Fortunately, the roads were all clear…no snow or ice on the interstates and only a little packed snow in the rest stops during the first morning. I decided to walk fast at my rest stops rather than wearing my coat in the car. It was very cold and breezy along my route from home in Maryland to a hotel in Lexington, KY the first day then warmer on the second day (my fleece vest was still needed but I didn’t need to walk fast). I noticed my skin had become very dry during the first day (when the temps were in the teens and low twenties for much of the day)…didn’t recover until I was in Missouri for a day.

I had braced for higher gas prices. I bought gas 3 times with the price ranging from $3.99 to $4.55 per gallon. After hearing so many stories about getting stuck in winter weather on highways, the tank never got below ¼ full. I also had a sleeping bag in the car….just in case. Thankfully there were no weather related traffic problems.

My route the first day was very scenic….starting out going west through Maryland to familiar rest stops at South Mountain and Sidling Hill. There was snow at both stops. The parking and sidewalks at South Mountain were totally clear but icy at Sidling Hill (I walked in the road rather than on the sidewalk!). Note that my car was still relatively clean at that point….it did not stay that way in West Virginia.

The roadcut at Sidling Hill had ice falls where the water seeps out of the rocks.

The interstate route through West Virginia must be one of the most scenic in the country. This time it was very cold too.

The snow on the ground was not melting even in the sunshine…and the wind had caused drifts across some sidewalks. The highway crews had done an excellent job treating the highway and the access roads into the rest stops. There were some patches of white on the highway that I thought was blown snow at first…but it was salt! My car became more white than red!

The snow was melting at the one rest stop in Kentucky….making the picnic area soggy. It was still cold but warmer than then morning…and much appreciated.

I stayed at a hotel I’d stayed in previously. My room was in a wing that is probably slated for renovation soon. The chair at the desk/table looked like one we had taken to the landfill! I noticed that I had salt on the back hem of my jeans…must have touched the running board getting out of the car.

Lexington was very dark when I headed away from the hotel at 6:30 AM. I took no pictures until the 3 rest stops in Indiana.

I discovered that the Goshen Rest stop has a wetland behind the building…a bridge over the little stream. There were a lot of redwing black birds in the trees.

My route is very brief in Illinois. It stopped at the welcome center and then by buy gas.

I’m glad a made the stops in Illinois because I got stuck in traffic in St. Louis. There was some roadwork that closed some lanes at the exit to I44 just after the bridge over the Mississippi River. On the plus side – the traffic was stopped for long enough for me to take a picture of the arch. This is probably the only picture I will ever get from this vantage point!

There were the two rest stops along my route between St. Louis and Springfield. The day was a comfortable spring day…with puffy clouds. I noticed that the Route 66 stop had a ‘Diner’ sign over the vending machines with food items!

After unloading the car…my daughter directed me to the nearest car wash to get the salt off the car.

Great to be Home Again

I’m about over the flurry of activity that follows a road trip – emptying the car, replenishing groceries, and doing laundry. Shedding the few pounds of weight and heighted anxiety accumulated while traveling is still a work in progress.


Going to our local farmers market was something I missed while I was away; it felt good to go to the market and come back with fresh produce to fill my refrigerator crispers: onions, collard greens, spaghetti squash and tomatoes.

I’m also thinking about the trip in retrospect at this point.

  • What do I remember most about each state?

    • Texas – I spent the most time away in the state – enjoying seeing family in person. It was hot and very sunny. The speed limits are high and the drivers are usually going at least 10 miles above – sometimes a bit scary. The employees at the Walmart closest to my parents started wearing masks on the last few days (a new mandate from corporate) and a lot of the customers were wearing masks as well. Lots of mosquito bites. Hazy skies (maybe from the fires or maybe just the way Dallas is in summer). Josey Ranch Lake and the Pocket Prairie nearby were pleasant in the early morning…always some plants or wildlife to see there.

    • Missouri – No one was wearing masks even though the state was in the national news for their Delta variant outbreak. People seemed friendly but I got the impression that they didn’t like that I was wearing a mask when I went indoors at rest stops. The rest stops along I44 are not as frequent as in other states and traffic is heavy with lots of trucks (and they sometimes seemed to be playing games passing each other and slowing down car traffic). I had a near accident on I44 when a pickup with a camper on the back must have forgotten how long the combination was - pulling over too soon after he passed me (almost forcing me off the road to avoid being swiped by the camper). A few mosquito bites from sitting out on my daughter’s patio at dusk. I enjoyed the Springfield Botanical Garden.

    • Kentucky – The one overnight in a hotel on my road trips to Texas/Missouri. The highway is scenic, and the rest stops well placed. I recalled the road trip I did with my daughter in 2005 when she was learning to drive; there was a segment in Kentucky that I remembered being scenic; when I got home I looked back in my notes and it was the interstate between Louisville and Cincinnati rather than the route I take now. Signs that feature horses and bourbon seem to be everywhere.

    • Oklahoma – Just passing through. It’s a little harder drive since most is not interstate – no formal rest stops. The toll roads are a hassle. It’s not as pretty as I remember growing up – not as many big trees. Maybe it’s the way the highways have been developed; in the 1960s we were driving a lot of the way on two lane roads.

    • Illinois and Indiana – Just passing through. Rural. There are rest stops frequently enough and they are well tended. The traffic is a lot less than in Texas and Missouri. Plants along the roads are not mowed --- lots of blooms and seeds. I wondered if they are intended to provide food for migrating birds and butterflies.

    • West Virginia – My favorite segment of the trip. Even though I’m seeing it at highways speeds – the forests and mountains are gorgeous. The state does a good job with rest stops along the highway as well. I want to find out more about new national park in the state – New River Gorge National Park and Preserve.

  • I also noticed plants along the way as I drove and at the rest stops. Many of rest stop areas are transitioning to native plants; some even have pollinator gardens. The plantings are something to savor for the few minutes at the place…as the traffic on the interstate continues to roar past.

    • Wild/wood hydrangeas

    • Chicory

    • Sunflowers

    • Oaks

    • Red buds

    • Sweet gum

    • Maples

    • Cone flowers

    • Butterfly bush

I am very glad to be home!

Road Trip Home

I break the road trip between where my parents live in Texas and where I live in Maryland into 3 8-hour chunks…seeing my daughter in Missouri along the way.  There is still some tweaking I want to make to the route, but it is much better than trying to do the drive in 2 days through Virginia, Tennessee, and Arkansas.

The first day of my preferred route from Texas to Maryland is from Carrollton, Texas to Springfield, Missouri through Oklahoma. It is the most difficult day of trek because 1) most of the miles are not on Interstate (so very few ‘rest stops’) and 2) I don’t have a toll tag for the turnpikes in Oklahoma. On the plus side, there are improvements being made along the route – particularly the part through the Choctaw area of Oklahoma and I will probably get a Texas toll tag which will work in Texas and on the Oklahoma turnpikes before I do the drive again. I also realized that there is a state park in Oklahoma just off the highway where my husband and I camped on a fall foliage trip about 40 years ago…well positioned for a picnic/rest stop. I took a few pictures along the road the first day – the Oklahoma Welcome Center, a stop along the turnpike (I was surprised that I had my feet in the frame….and that my feet looked so narrow), and the Missouri welcome center.

The next morning, I left Springfield, Missouri shortly after 7…heading for Frankfort, Kentucky.  There was a lot of traffic on I-44; the traffic (particularly trucks) was reduced after I passed St. Louis. The highway through Illinois and Indiana is rural but there are plenty of rest stops. And then the highway is very scenic in Kentucky. The first part of the day was somewhat challenging because of the traffic but the highway was good and the scenery in the second half of the day made the drive enjoyable. I had originally planned to get takeout for my dinner but opted to eat what I had in the ice chest and a protein bar; it was disconcerting that all during the day – through areas with low vaccination rates and high infection rates with the delta variant of COVID-19 – that no one was wearing masks. And the hotel was back to business as usual. I didn’t want to risk a breakthrough infection (I am vaccinated) and bring in home to my husband so I was putting on a mask any time I was indoors and running my air purifier in the hotel room.

The last day of the trek – from Frankfort, Kentucky to my home in Maryland – is my favorite. The route is scenic and fun to drive – lots of curving Interstate through Kentucky, West Virginia and into Maryland. It also has the highest density of highway rest stops of the whole 3 days. It was helpful to stop a little more frequently and move around – otherwise I get achy and stiff on these long road trips. The traffic picked up the closer I got to home…but, like the other two days, I arrived at about the time my nav system had predicted when I stated out in the morning!

This route works very well for me although I realize that the curvy Interstate in the second half of the trek will not work for winter road trips. I hope the COVID-19 cases will not still be at a high level along the route in October because I would like to make at least one more road trip to Texas this year.

Road trip from Maryland to Springfield, Missouri

I started out on another road trip last week…heading to my daughter’s house in Missouri and then, after a few days, continuing to Dallas, Texas for a family wedding celebration. This post is about the first part of the road trip. The trip was planned shortly after I got back from the last one….before the dramatic uptick in the COVID-19 cases in southwest Missouri due to the delta variant. As I started out – I realized that I felt less secure on this road trip than the one I made in April/May. During the previous trip, the cases were beginning to trend downward across the country and the number of vaccines per day was high. I anticipated by July that many areas of the country would have enough people vaccinated to have very low numbers of cases and instead things have gone in a different direction – a drop off in people getting vaccinated and the delta variant becoming the dominate strain in the pandemic. And very few people are still wearing masks anymore! On this road trip, I am avoiding indoor spaces when I can – and wearing a mask otherwise. That meant I took my food with me for the road…and put on a mask when I went into the rest stop buildings. Until I got to Missouri – I was about the only person I saw wearing a mask. In Missouri, more people were wearing masks at the rest stops…but not everyone. The news about what is happening with the delta variant is beginning to get out to the general population – hopefully.

It stopped at almost all the rest stops along the way. At the very first stop – South Mountain – a trucker that arrived at the vending machines about the same time as I did, bought my soft drink before I could get my credit card out! His generosity and the pleasant conversation for a few minutes brightened my perspective for the rest of the trip. It also was wonderful to see a pollinator garden and a tiger swallowtail.


The next stop was Sideling Hill – still in Maryland. I noted that the periodic cicada damage was still evident on some the trees. The big road cut is always impressive; I took a picture from the building walkway and then from the parking lot – waiting for a truck to go by to get a size comparison.

Then there were 4 stops in West Virginia. The state had turned off the hand dryers in the rest stops and filled the paper towel dispensers. I enjoyed the drive through the state – clean rest stops, highway in good condition, light traffic, curvy and scenic. The most interesting rest stop was one with sunflowers (not blooming yet). Most of them were short enough that I could look down in the center of the plant where the flower bud was beginning to form; there was one very tall plant that had grown through an open area of the building overhang!

I had one rest stop in Kentucky before I got to the hotel near Frankfort, Kentucky. It looked like the thunderstorms in the forecast were going to happen for that last hour of the drive…but it just looked threatening. Only a light rain came down…no lightning or thunder.


The next morning, I was away from the hotel by 6:30 AM. The cloud cover did not make for a pretty sunrise.

The next stops were in Indiana…and the time shifted to CDT. I stopped at a McDonald’s (needed a rest stop) but then highway rest stops. I bought gas but didn’t used that as a rest stop. I finished eating the carrots and grapes I had packed to eat as I drove.

The route through Illinois is short…only one rest stop…a Welcome Center. And then the bridge over the Mississippi River in view of the arch at St. Louis (no pictures while I’m driving!).


The clouds looked ominous again as I drove through Missouri. There was more traffic (trucks, pickups pulling trailers) because I had joined I-70. The second stop had a Route 66 theme with pay phones (not functioning) as part of the display.

I made good time and was out my daughters by 2:30 PM and unloading my car. I unloaded the fragile household items (like larger framed pictures) to store her basement until my husband and I move to the area. I waiting until the next day to clean up all the packing material…fold it neatly to use for another load the next time my make the trek between Maryland and Missouri.

Road Trip Home


The closet in the guest room of my daughter’s house in Springfield MO was the best….but after being away from Maryland for more than 6 weeks (in Texas and Missouri), I was very ready to head for home. It was a rainy morning as I started out at 7 AM. I stopped as I was backing out and rolled down the window to take a picture of the rosebush by the driveway.


I’d selected a different route than my previous road trips between Missouri and Maryland with the beginning and end segments the same as before: Springfield MO to St. Louis MO via I44 (the same), St. Louis to Charleston, WV via I64, Charleston WV to Morgantown WV via I79, Morgantown WV to Hancock MD via I68 and the I70 for the rest of the way home (the same). I made a stop for the night in Lexington KY which was slightly more than halfway.

My first stop was to buy gas about 1.5 hours into the drive. It was a rest stop as well and I bought a Stuckey’s pecan roll remembering that I always wanted to try one as a child and not remembering if my parents ever bought one for me. It was way too sweet, but I managed to eat half that first morning and the rest on the second morning of the road trip. The rest of the stops that day were at interstate rest stops – which I prefer – except the last one for buying gas so that would have a full tank for the next day. I also picked up a chicken teriyaki bowl from Subway for my dinner at the hotel. The drive was easy – no accidents and the few places the road was under construction did not slow be down much; I made it to the hotel within half an hour of the prediction my car’s nav system had made when I first put in the destination.

The second day was an even better road trip day. I got off an hour earlier…just as it was getting light. The highway was in good condition all the way and very scenic (Kentucky, West Virginia, and Maryland). The traffic was light (not many trucks) and I enjoyed the curving roads through the Appalachians and Alleghenies. The rest stops were less than an hour apart and I stopped at most of them; I only needed one stop for gas – shortly before I got into Maryland. I was in Maryland by noon and home by 3 PM.

This route will be my first choice from now on; I’ll be retracing it in July when I head back to Missouri and then Texas. I will probably choose a different hotel…one that is easier on/off and not at so close to the center of Lexington. Otherwise, I’ll do everything else about the same: use the interstate rest stops when I don’t need gasoline, eat food I already have the car during the trip as much as possible, wear a mask when there are a lot of people around.

Road Trip to Springfield

The Friday before Thanksgiving I started my drive to Springfield MO. The route was familiar from the trips last summer – with scenery changes with the colder season. I was also driving on my own. I took pictures at every stop. The first was at the South Mountain rest stop on I70 – western Maryland. The stones and signs encourage more exploration off the highway, but I had a long driver ahead, so I simply took my pictures and continued on.

I stopped at the Sidling Hill rest stop on I68. I hadn’t remembered the building looking like something in the southwest! It was too cold and damp to walk for a better shot of the large road cut.

By the afternoon I was in Ohio


And then Indiana. The sun was getting low on the horizon during the last hour of my drive. I saw sundogs and then contrails from flights in-out of Indianapolis turn pink with the sunset. I didn’t stop for a picture. I was anxious for the drive to be over.


I stopped for the night in Cloverdale, Indiana – just off I70. The hotel room had a US map made of license plates.


The second day of the trek to Springfield MO started shortly after 7 AM. I had taken in the plants I was taking into the hotel (to avoid them getting too cold). I was glad I could park close to the room since it took more than one trip to get everything into the room.


It took 2.5 tanks of gas to get to Springfield. The day was gray and damp.


Illinois had signs about wildflowers in one rest stop…but none bloom in the cold.


In Missouri, I stopped at the Route 66 rest stop less than an hour from Springfield. I was glad to be near the end of the trip.


Eight days later I reversed the trek…driving back to Maryland.

Road Trip Home from Nebraska

We retraced our road trip to get home from Nebraska – taking two days (again) to make the drive.

I took some last pictures around the hotel the afternoon before we left: the art in front of the gas station when we were filling the tank, the sunny parking lot, and the curtains in the room (they are a good prompt for a Zentangle!). This trip was the first time I had ever been in Nebraska and I was surprised that it was hilly; somehow, I expected it to be very flat like the panhandle of Texas. As we headed east the next morning we made one stop while still in Nebraska. There were a few people that were making an early start like we were – but not the crowd at the rest stop on eclipse day! The rest stop included some signage about the Native American use of the area.

We crossed the Missouri River, leaving Nebraska and entering Iowa. The rest stop at Council Bluffs has good signage about the history of the place and the fossil record; artistic ‘bluffs’ near the entrance, a floral mosaic inside, and low dividers around some of the picnicking areas; and a reddish colored walkway that might have been patterned after the river we’d just crossed.

We stopped at mid-morning to eat watermelon another Iowa rest stop. There were plenty of tables in the shade but it was cool enough that we picked one in the sunshine. There was a cicada that was very slow moving – too cold to make noise or fly away when I got close to take a picture! We stopped in Iowa City for lunch at a McDonalds and part of the decoration had physics and chemistry formulas! Right before we entered Illinois, we made one last stop and I took pictures of sun flowers. I like to see plants that are good for pollinators and birds in the rest stop gardens.

The Mississippi River is the boundary between Iowa and Illinois and I took a picture as we drove over the bridge. This is before the river joins with the Missouri…so it’s not as muddy looking. The only rest stop we used in Illinois had planted their formal beds with things good for last summer and fall insects and birds…good for them! It seems to be the trend in rest stop maintenance!

We hit a lot of traffic as we drove to the south of Chicago and into Indiana. I took a picture as we entered the state. We made a stop at a gas station before we got to the hotel in Elkhart, Indiana….tired after a long drive. There was a restaurant within walking distance from our hotel and it felt good to get the exercise after sitting for so much of the day.

The second day we had a shorter drive. The Ohio rest stops are more formal grass and trimmed bushes. There are some margins that might provide plants for insects. There are lots of travel brochures and I picked up several – thinking that north east Ohio could be a good destination for a fall or spring road trip. The rest stops have either barrel or dome sections over their food courts. I realized in the last one we stopped at that there was a Ohio map on the floor!

I took picture through the car window as we went into Pennsylvania. The Alleghenies make for a lot more elevation change and winding in the highway. The clouds were fluffy that day too. The skyline of Pittsburgh…the Heinz sign…the Squirrel Hill tunnel (my son-in-law’s apartment is on top of the tunnel!). After we left my daughter in Pittsburgh, we made a stop at one of the service plazas on the Pennsylvania Turnpike…and then it was through the Allegheny Mountain tunnel.

Our only stop in Maryland before we got home was at the South Mountain rest stop. By that time the fluffy clouds were mostly gone. The stop has mowed grass around the picnic tables…but the beds are planted with meadow type grasses and small flowers rather than exotic flowers. Those plants probably are easier to maintain and give the butterflies/bees a boost!

An hour later – it was good to get home.

Previous posts about our Solar Eclipse trek: Road Trip to Nebraska for the Eclipse, Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, Solar Eclipse – August 2017, Nebraska Sunrise.

Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore

As mentioned in last Friday’s post, we stopped at the Indian Dunes National Lakeshore on our way to see the solar eclipse in Nebraska. After stopping at the visitor center (bison sculpture in front) to get a map, we drove to the Dunes Succession Trail which is part of the West Beach Trail System.

The first part of the hike was along a pave path to the beach. We crossed the dune field.

The beach is relatively narrow but it was a sunny warm day and people were enjoying the water. We followed the signs to the trail. The beach got very narrow and the sand was difficult to walk through.

Finally, we got to the trail that headed back into the dunes. Low grass and trees stabilized the sand.

It was still difficult to walk in the sand and it was obvious that sometimes the trail caused erosion of the slopes to the side of it.

There were low areas that looked like meadows and sometimes had wet areas.

The areas of succession (grasses, pines and low shrubs, deciduous trees) would happen again and again on the walk – which got easier after we came to the boardwalk.

Going up stairs is easier than walking in loose sand!

We thought we were at the top of the stairs and turned to take a picture of the Chicago skyline. It was a hazy afternoon….would have been better on a clear morning, I’m sure.

Looking back from the way we came, the variety of vegetation is easily seen. Sometimes the vegetation does not hold the sand well enough and exposed/loose sand results.

The cotton woods seem to be a hardy deciduous species here.

Even in the areas of hardwoods, there are sand slides where the vegetation failed to hold the sand. Note that the trees are no very big around either – probably not very old…and stressed.

The hike was a good contrast from the long drive in the car. We stopped for the night after a short drive into Illinois, more than half way to our Nebraska destination.

Road Trip to Nebraska for the Eclipse

We were in Nebraska for the eclipse last Monday having driven from Maryland --> Pennsylvania --> Ohio --> Indiana --> Illinois --> Iowa --> Nebraska on the two days prior to the eclipse. I am writing about the road trip to Nebraska today and will be posting about the rest of our eclipse adventure over the next week.  We started out very early last Saturday. Our only stop in Maryland was the South Mountain rest area which is becoming a familiar stopping point for us on the way to Pittsburg or State College.

On Saturday, we were heading to Pittsburgh to pick up our daughter along way. We stopped at the rest stop/welcome center to Pennsylvania then two service areas along the Pennsylvania Turnpike. It’s a scenic drive and I enjoyed a peanut butter cookie purchased at the North Midway stop. We arrived at the Pittsburgh (Squirrel Hill) apartment by mid-morning.

We were back on the road and into Ohio shortly. We stopped at rest areas along the toll road (fortunately our Maryland E-ZPass tags worked for the entire trip). The first two areas had a round area where there were several options for lunch; my daughter and I chose Panera Bread at the first stop and my husband got his McDonalds lunch at the second. The third stop had a barrel vault roof.

We continued into Indiana making a rest stop along the highway and then at Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore for a hike (more on that in a subsequent post) and then to our hotel in Lansing, Illinois. The next morning, we were off again after a hearty breakfast at the hotel. There were two rest stops as we crossed the state. There was a Monarch not quite warm enough to be fluttering around. It seemed to have lost a lot of scales since it looked more brown than orange.

Iowa has some themed rest stops depicting the history and energy production of the state. The tall white obelisk in the second picture is a blade of a wind turbine! The art work inside (glass etching and floor tile) was appealing.

And then we were in Nebraska – making one rest stop before arriving at our hotel in York, Nebraska. The day we arrive was clear but the forecast for eclipse day was lots of clouds. We were looking at maps and the track of the eclipse….trying to figure out whether we should head west or east on eclipse day.