Filling a Day of Social Distance – 4/27/2020 – Free e-Books
/Continuing the blog post series prompted by COVID-19….
Here are the unique activities for yesterday:
Enjoying the 1st view of the morning. When I first went into my office yesterday, it still seemed almost dark because it was so cloudy; it was about time for sunrise. I could see 3 deer in the backyard headed into the forest (they were moving slowly looking at the stump and piled branches from the tree cut down yesterday) and hear a lot of birds in the trees. By the time I got my camera out, the deer were gone but the path between the trees that they consistently take is visible in the picture. It is too dark to tell – but I know the trees (left to right): pine, black walnut, tulip poplar, red maple.
Taking plastic bags back to the grocery store. The last time I was in my car was March 20th! Having everything delivered since then resulted in a lot of plastic bags and I had been putting them in the back seat of my car rather than keeping them in the house after they were empty. Yesterday was the day to return them to the bin in the grocery store parking lot. I went early and was able to park relatively close to the bin. I put on my mask then made three trips between my car and the bin. All the early shoppers going into the store (probably 3-4 people over the time I was there) were wearing masks….a good sign that people are taking precautions when they are shopping. I used my hand sanitizer before I drove home….and washed my hands at the kitchen sink once I arrived. Being in my car…making a short errand…felt quite different than my recent ‘norm.’
Bathing robin. Most birds come to our bird bath for a drink….but one robin took a thorough bath then flew off to the sycamore to preen the feathers dry.
Flying samara from the red maple. After lunch, the wind picked up and the samaras were ready to leave the tree…in little flurries with each gust. They landed on the roof of our covered deck and the gutter….as well as planting themselves in all the yards around the tree.
Catching up on Charles Cockell’s Life in the Universe Pandemic Series:
Links to my previous “filling a day of social distance” posts here.
I usually pick 3 eBooks to feature in a monthly blog post…but I had too many good ones this month, so I am including 4 for April 2020.
Olcott, Frances Jenkins (editor); Cramer, Rie; Grimm. Grimm’s Fairy Tales. Philadelphia: The Penn Publishing Company. 1927. Available on Internet Archive here. I was looking for books illustrated by Rie Cramer….and this was one that I found – enjoyed.
Vermont Department of Tourism. Vermont Life. Volume 72, Issue 3. 2018. Available from Internet Archive here. The next to the last issue….and it includes a picture of a rose-breasted grosbeak (on page 5)! I enjoyed browsing through this magazine which started in 1946 over the past months…sorry it is no longer published.
Chun, Carl. The Cephalopoda (Atlas). Translated from the German. Jerusalem: Keter Publishing House.1975. Available from Internet Archive here. The book was originally published in 1910 after a German deep-sea expedition in 1898/99 to the sub-Antarctic. Chun discovered and named the vampire squid.
Ward, Mary. Microscope Teaching. 1866. Available from Internet Archive here. A woman scientist from the mid-1800s. She did her own illustrations for the books that she wrote. I which more of her books were available online.
According to her Wikipedia entry:
Aside from being known for her scientific work (naturalist, astronomy, microscopy…a writer and artist too), she also had 8 children before being the 1st person known to be killed by a motor vehicle.
Her great-granddaughter is the Doctor Who actress Lalla Ward.