Browsing Old Architectural Record Volumes

Browsing through The Architectural Record volumes from the late 1800s and early 1900s available on Internet Archive, there are some articles that capture my attention – for example, two articles about Frank Lloyd Wright. The first one is in the volume for 1908 which features the Dana House (along with other houses and a building). The architecture still looks ‘modern.’ For some info about the Dana House today: Frank Lloyd Wright Trust and Dana Thomas House Foundation.

The second article was in the January-July 1913 volume – about Wright’s studio-home in Wisconsin. Enjoy the slideshow of the exterior of the place. For info about the place today see the Taliesin page on the Wright in Wisconsin page.

Another series of pictures I noticed were exterior pictures of the Biltmore Estate in North Carolina (starting at page 154) in the 1895-1896 volume as introductory picture series to the article “The works of the late Richard M. Hunt” – the architect of the house. The landscape was ‘new’ around the house when the pictures were taken. For information about Biltmore today, see Biltmore Estate website and the Wikipedia page.

Unique Activities for Yesterday:

Going for groceries in the foggy dark. It’s that time of year – at 6:15 AM it is dark. Add the fog and the short drive would have been disorienting if the route were unfamiliar. I was worried about not seeing a deer at the edge or in the road before it was too late – fortunately, I made it to the grocery store without incident. I have skewed my grocery shopping time an hour earlier during the pandemic…so I am going to be ‘in the dark’ starting out for groceries for months. It was lighter on the way home, but the fog was still around.

Ballot ‘accepted.’ I checked the website for the status of the ballot I put in the drop box on Oct. 5th and it shows that it is ‘accepted’ – which means that it’s been counted! It’s great to get confirmation that I voted successfully.

Haircut. My last haircut was in January, so it was long overdue. There were a few people allowed into the shop (no waiting area and appointments only), the doors were open (outdoor temperature was pleasant), and everyone wore masks. I chose not to get a shampoo, so my hair was just sprayed to wet it…and then it was cut. My husband got his haircut at the same time. We were done in about 20 minutes. My husband gave a tip that doubled the cost of our haircuts…reasoning that the workers are still trying to bounce back from the shop being closed for 3 months.

CSA Bounty – October 2020

There were three CSA shares this month…all full of fall veggies: winter squash, cabbage, leafy greens (lettuce, spinach, arugula, bok choy), peppers and special items like ears of popcorn and fennel.  The last one was this week. I took some pictures of the bins as I walked around – appreciating the beauty of fresh food. I had a choice of turnips or radishes….got the turnips but appreciated the color of the radishes in the bin.


And then it was on to piles of broccoli, garlic, sweet potatoes, a choice of lettuce or arugula (I got arugula), carrots with their leafy tops, spinach, bok choy, a small pumpkin, cabbage, spaghetti squash, cauliflower and stevia from the cutting garden. I got fennel with a huge feathery top as a choice item too. The bags were almost as heavy as when melons are distributed during the summer.

While I was out in the cutting garden getting some cut flowers and the stevia, I noticed at least 4 black swallowtail caterpillars on the fennel; I wonder if they will make to it to a stage that will allow them to survive the winter.

The picture below is the last share on our counter after I got home - quite a pile which is now filling the refrigerator!


I’ll eat as much as I can of this last share over the next week then freeze the rest….even though I might have to do some creative processing and rearranging to fit it in. I still have zucchini for the early summer in there. I’m going to pay attention to how long it is before I draw down enough on the veggies in the freezer from this summer to require purchases from the produce section of my grocery store. My estimate is that it will be well into December or maybe January!

Unique Activities for Yesterday:

A few minutes at our bird feeder. I found a short segment (about 1.5 minutes) on our bird feeder camera when 4 birds visited the feeder and appeared satisfied. I didn’t see the sequence when it happened because the Downy Woodpecker is not noisy when he comes to the feeder like the red-bellied woodpeckers are. A Carolina Chickadee shows up and the two birds position themselves on opposite sides of the feeder.

The chickadee leaves, the downy woodpecker finally gets enough seed…and leaves.

Then an American Goldfinch arrives…followed very quickly by a White-breasted Nuthatch. The nuthatch strikes a classic nuthatch pose.

The two birds move to opposite sides of the feeder, the nuthatch quickly finds the seed it wants, and leaves.

And the goldfinch continues calmly nibbling on seeds with the feeder all to himself.


Images of Bridges – October 2020

I gleaned paintings/photographs of bridges from the slideshow collections I enjoyed from Internet Archive back in June….as a themed perspective into 8 artists. Clicking on the artists name will access the slideshow on Internet Archive (i.e. more than just bridges!).

The artists were capturing moments of the world in which they lived. Bridges are part of the architecture they observed. The materials were varied – stone, steel, concrete, wood – depending on the time, place, and function of the bridge. I noticed that the bridges were either empty or painted with people (except for one that includes cattle and a man riding a horse). In one a person is walking in the rocky creek under the bridge.

Enjoy the color and beauty of these bridges!

Gustave Caillebotte (1848 - 1894)

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Hawai’i Island Festival of Birds

Wow – 5 days of the virtual Hawai’i Island Festival of Birds. Like the other virtual festivals we’ve seen….I want to go to the Hawai’i festival some year…the sooner the better! When we travelled to the big island in 2015, it was before we’d been to any birding festivals and I took only a few (poor) pictures of birds.

When we go back – I’ll be more prepared after having the experience of this virtual festival. My cameras (and photographic skills) are better than in 2015 too.

The sessions were pre-recorded and not as lengthy some of the other festivals. This was the only festival where native names and language (Hawaiian) were an integral part of the festival.

I listened to all the sessions…even the ones that were readings of books for children about Hawaiian birds….and I learned something from them all.

Day 1 was the longest because I also watch the two virtual field trip sessions:

  • An interview with the authors/photographer for the Field Guide to the Birds of Hawai’i…how it was put together and introducing a topic woven throughout the conference - the extinctions of native birds and actions to help the surviving species

  • Natural history and status of Hawaii’s seabirds….the impact of sea level rise on Midway Atoll where 91% of seabirds nest in Hawaii…and translocation projects to higher islands (islands within islands to keep mammalian predators out of nesting areas). Pacific Rim Conservation

  •  A Virtual Tour of Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge…only place in Hawaii where native forest birds are stable and increasing…We’d get a guide or go with a tour group from the festival when we go. Birds are hard to see in the forest!

  • A Virtual Tour of Kaulana Manu Nature Trail … newly opened…off the saddle road on the big island. There is good signage and it’s something we could do on our own. There was a decontamination station for cleaning boots; there is a fungus that causes Rapid Ohi’a Death…a tree that many native birds depend on.

  • The status of eBird, Merlin, and Community Science in Hawaii….I need to remember to load Merlin’s Hawaii pack before we go!

  • Choosing the best binocular for You!...some binoculars have a short enough minimum focus distance that they can be used for butterfly watching; I quickly decided that, for me, I’d rather use my camera’s zoom to get close images of butterflies rather than watching them through binoculars. But – I did hear about Insect Shield Scarves…which might be something to have for warm weather birding!

Day 2:

  • Marvelous Moli…The albatross…The speaker wrote a book – Holy Moli….If we want to see them on nests we’ll have to go to Kauai. Maybe the festival will have a field trip for that.

  • Kolea…Pacific Golden Plover…learned a lot about how tagging has evolved over the years and how sophisticated tagging has shown how long and exact their migration is. The book by the speaker found here.

  • Hula and storytelling….listening and watching…like a meditation

  • Albatross of Kauai, the story of Kaloakulua…a particular Laysan Albratross from 2013/2014 season

Day 3:

  • Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument…a big place…not sure how we would ever be able to visit

  • Garbage guts…a children’s book about plastic garbage in the sea and a Laysan albatross

  • Tracking the endangered ‘Akiapola’au…with transmitters and receivers in the Pu’u maka’ala Natural Area Reserve. I remembered that my daughter and I walked around part of that reserve in 2015. I didn’t photograph any birds, but I did take one of my favorite pictures of the whole trip just as we left the fenced area heading back to the car – a camellia among tree fern fronds

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Day 4:

  • Albatross…doing nest counts….they live very long lives (there is a female that was tagged in 1956 on Midway Atoll that is still producing healthy chicks there!)…World Albatross Day was June 19, 2020

  • A Perfect Day for an Albatross (book)… the author talked about producing the book and demonstrated her block print technique before the book was read by 2 educators at Kauai

  • Manu, the Boy who Loved Birds (book)…author talking with the publisher and the expert that helped with the book…and then a reading of the book…thinking about recent extinctions and what we can do to help surviving species in Hawaii

Day 5

  • Hawaii Wildlife Center…bird assistance/hospital and conservation programs…I learned that warm water is required if birds need to be washed because their normal temperature is higher than ours and if they are injured/oily/emaciated, they will go into shock if washed with room temperature water!

  • Manu-o-Ku (white tern) nesting in Honolulu…what happens when the chick falls out of the nest? Most of the time, volunteers are called and it’s put back in the nest or in the tree close to the nest…and the parents welcome it back!

  • No Ka Manu Hea Keia Nuku? (To which bird does this beak belong) (book) – In Hawaiian and about Hawaiian birds! It was a great finale to the Festival.

And after all the joy of the videos, I won a drawing for a festival swag pack that will be coming in the mail! The virtual festival was a great addition to our mid-October during this pandemic year!

Photography through a Window - October 2020

It’s so easy to capture the backyard happenings through the windows of my office or breakfast area.

The sunset was colorful through my office window on the 1st day of the month….a fabulous beginning.


There were the usual birds around the deck – Mourning Doves

And Carolina Wrens.


There is a female Red-bellied Woodpecker that comes to the feeder frequently…picks out the sunflower seeds and scatters the other kinds for the birds below.

The White-breasted Nuthatches often seem to follow the woodpecker. There are at least two of them and they have plenty of assertive poses…always fun to watch.

When multiple birds are at the feeder – it is easy to compare relative sizes: Finches, Carolina Chickadee, Chipping Sparrow.

After I mowed the leaves – I noticed that the lawn mower left a pattern in the yard. The grass was a bit wet so the mower left an impression. The picture was taken about 24 hours after I mowed.


When I empty the seed from then feeder before refilling it, the chipmunk often shows up before the squirrel! It’s fun to watch. The day was cloudy when it visited the deck recently and I got a lot of blurs because of the reduced light…but these images were clear enough to post.

Overall – a good month of photographing the scene through the windows in the back of our house.

30 Years Ago – October 1990

Looking back through pictures and notes from 30 years ago – it was a happy month…but full of big changes that my family handled better than we’d anticipated. I went back to work full time…straight into to proposal team that required full time in the office plus some work at home time. I had just set up an office of my own at home the month before…was still using the IBM PC AT that was over 5 years old. My daughter was already trying to help. Note that I didn’t have a rolling chair yet. We purchased two that month for my husband and I (evidently after the picture was taken) and we still have them!

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My planning wasn’t perfect, but it was good enough that we all felt like things were going well. I made pumpkin muffins several times during the month since they were tasty snacks (or mini-meals) that we all enjoyed. And made meal plans each week for my daughter’s lunches packed for day care and our dinners.

My husband and I were thrilled that she took her first steps with us rather than in day care late in September…and then she was off and climbing. Even though we thought we had baby-proofed the house…but we had typical calamities of her running into her indoor tree house face first, hitting her head on the foot board of the bed while climbing up, and almost tilting over the back of her little rocking chair.

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We all enjoyed the fall foliage day trip to Catoctin with her riding in the backpack more than walking around. When we got her out to walk around in the leaves, they were deep enough to be at least knee deep for her…and she didn’t want to move around in them!

I was busy making the rounds of yard sales to stock up on larger clothes for her and found some bargains. Most of her clothes were bought used but I couldn’t resist a new green velveteen dress with a big white color that she wore for several holiday pictures in the coming months…and it got handed down to her cousins after it got too small for her…and probably sold at a yard sale 10 years or so later.

Gleanings of the Week Ending October 17, 2020

The items below were ‘the cream’ of the articles and websites I found this past week. Click on the light green text to look at the article.

Top 25 birds of the week: October 2020 – Starting out the weekly gleanings with birds.

Linking calorie restriction, body temperature and healthspan -- ScienceDaily – Interesting research. I went off on a tangent thinking about “up to half of what we eat every day is turned into energy simply to maintain our core body temperature.” Many people in the developed world spend the majority of time in temperature-controlled buildings or homes…and that means we probably expend a lot less calories warming or cooling ourselves than we did prior to efficient heating and cooling systems. Just one more way we are changing our environment in a way that will tweak our future evolution.

The super-adaptable chimps that can withstand climate change - BBC Future – I didn’t realize how many different habitats chimpanzees are found in…and that the ones that live in environments with greater seasonal change have more varied behaviors to respond to those changes than chimps that live in an environment that doesn’t change much.

Environmental Education Goes Virtual: Creating Meaningful Learning Opportunities at Home: The National Wildlife Federation Blog – So many good online resources…they’ve been developed over years but are probably getting a lot more use during this pandemic year.

It's Tarantula Season At Bandelier National Monument – I’ve not been to Bandelier during tarantula season! The last time I was there was in March 2005 and that was before I started taking a lot of pictures….this article reminded me that I want to go again. Maybe we’ll plan to go in the fall and be on the look out for the male tarantulas trying to find a mate. Here are a couple of pictures my husband took when we visited in 1980!

Are we living at the 'hinge of history'? - BBC Future – It’s difficult not to look at current trends and think the future will be a dystopian one with or without seeing this as a ‘hinge.’ The last paragraph was the best of the article: “So, while we do not know if our time will be the most influential or not, we can say with more certainty that we have increasing power to shape the lives and well-being of billions of people living tomorrow – for better and for worse. It will be for future historians to judge how wisely we used that influence.”

Why is America Running out of water? – Shortages are not everywhere…but there are places in the US that are already problematic…and there are a lot of people living in those areas.

Raptor Rescue: When Bird Injuries Warrant Rehab – This article was a good summary of things I’ve heard about before re injured birds.

Unusual climate conditions influenced WWI mortality and subsequent influenza pandemic -- ScienceDaily – Something new about the 1918 flu…torrential rains and unusually cold temperatures kept Mallard ducks from their normal migration…and thus spread the virus more broadly in the battlefields of the Western Front.

What 'net-zero carbon' really means for cities - BBC Future – Using London as an example: no/fewer cars and all transport EV, less concrete…more timber, buildings reused/retrofit, green roofs and walls, renewable energy, reduced waste through recycling and energy production, urban farms. It’s technology that exists now…and already is being applied…ramped up, of course.

Picturesque Spain – in 1922

I enjoyed the 200+ pictures of Spain taken by Kurt Hielscher when he traveled the county beginning in the summer of 1914 then throughout World War I when he couldn’t leave. He published the photographs in 1922 in French, Italian and English editions. The books were very successful, and he went on to produce photographic records of Germany, Scandinavian countries, Italy, the Balkans, Austria, and Romania. He was one of the first photographers to make a living producing travel books. World War II curtailed/ended his travels and publications.

The first book – about Spain – is available from Internet Archive here. Hopefully more of his books will become available as eBooks as their copyright expires.

I’ve selected 8 sample images from the book….enjoy a little view into Spain in the early 1900s! (Use the arrows on the sides to move through the photos.)

Coloring Zentangle® Tiles – October 2020

My favorite activity just before bedtime is coloring Zentangle tiles. It’s very relaxing and ends then day with a little creativity…appreciating the tiles and the other beauties of the day. I picked 12 tiles to feature this month out of the relatively large pile I created; I’ve been going back through old tiles finding ones to color. In fact – I made two passes on a couple of tiles: one to color and the other to add some white gel pen highlights.  

I am creating more tiles during these pandemic times. It isn’t a major time consumer during my day, but it  has an outsized impact of sustaining/renewing a positive mental attitude. When I finish a tile (or some stage of the tile), the appreciation of what I’ve done reminds me of the other aspects of my day that brought joy…things I am grateful for. A few valuable moments….


The Zentangle® Method is an easy-to-learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns. It was created by Rick Roberts and Maria Thomas. "Zentangle" is a registered trademark of Zentangle, Inc. Learn more at

Mowing Leaves

It’s that time of year – our yard needs mowing more because the leaves need to be chopped up than the grass is high. Right now, the oak and sycamore are the ones dropping leaves. I wait for a day when the leaves are dry then make a pass around the places that have the most leaves. In the front of the house – I rake the leaves that are in the gutter up onto the grass before I start. I’m always pleased with the results. Our yard was in better shape this year because I did this same thing last fall – letting the soil benefit by keeping the leaf mulch from the trees growing in our yard.

The front flower bed is still green from the day lily leaves….and a few fading black eyed susans. I am not clearing it since the critters that need the cover for overwintering may already be in place.


While I was mowing the sycamore leaves, I ran over a puff ball! I didn’t see it until there was a big puff of brown dust. At first, I thought something was wrong with the mower! I must have come along whenthe puffball was primed to blow. The sycamore leaves are not quite as big this year as they get some years since late frost last spring killed a lot of the leaves that would have become the largest ones on the tree had they survived. Still – the leaves are substantial enough both in terms of size and thickness - that they make a the mower sound a little different when they are chopped. They tend to last too long on the grass if they aren’t mulched into small pieces.


I’ll probably have a few more leaf mowing rounds before the end of the season…probably one more for the oak and sycamore then the tulip poplar and red maple. By Thanksgiving – the yard will be in winter mode.

Unique Activities for Yesterday:

A porch full of stuff. Pickups of donations have started again in our area. I had a porch full. My husband kept the cat away from the open front door while I put all the bags out before 8 AM. The donation staging corner of the living room is now available to accumulate another load!


Paintings of Cut Flowers – October 2020

I’m looking back at a series of Internet Archive slideshows that I viewed back in June…picking out the cut flower paintings. Click on the artist’s name to see more of the artist’s work which includes other subjects as well as the cut flowers. Enjoy the artwork!

Gustave Caillebotte (1848 - 1894)

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7 Months in COVID-19 Pandemic

Today marks the 7th month since the WHO declared the COVID-19 pandemic. I started a monthly post taking stock of the impact on my day to day life back in July (previous posts: July, August, September). Here’s the one for the 7th month!

There were few ‘new’ activities for us in the past month:

Propane taxi. We are using our gas grill again! We were glad the service to get it delivered was available in our area since the pre-pandemic process required a lot of contact with other people to trade in the old tank and get the replacement.

Voting. We would have been voting at this time even without the pandemic but we requested a mail-in ballot and put it in a Maryland drop-box at a nearby early-voting place rather than voting in person. We are checking the ‘status’ online; right now they are listed as ‘received’ and we anticipate that they’ll be ‘accepted sometime after the 12th when our country begins counting.

Conowingo field trip. We ventured out on a short road trip to Conowingo Dam which is a little over an hour from our house. It was the first time since February for an outing like this. It was good to get outdoors in a place other than the immediate neighborhood where we live….and we did some bird photography. It turned out to be very easy to wear our masks the whole time we were out of the car and we had plenty of hand sanitizer. The visitor center was open; everyone wore masks, and the bathrooms were clean/well supplied (as they were pre-pandemic too).

Gathering a pile of stuff to donate…to be picked up from our front porch. Charities are beginning to pick up donations again in our area. I have accumulated a pile of stuff and realize there is a lot more that I am willing to part with. The key decision questions for me are:

  • Have I used it in the past year?

  • Does it give me joy?


Indian corn on the front door. I put the three ears of Indian Corn we’ve had for years on the front door to provide some seasonal decoration. There are some fall related chores as well like mowing the leaves that are falling. I have ended the work in the flower beds and brush piles to let overwintering critters settle in; most of what’s in the beds will be easy to clear away in the spring when the early spring flowers start to emerge.

Overall the ‘new’ activities, have continued our strategy of choosing low risk ways to go about our lives. There are things that we’ve continued -

  • Cape May Fall Festival (virtual). The fall is full of birding festivals that have gone virtual. The Cape May event was intense and we learned a lot….are all ready to go in person sometime in the future. There are others coming up that we are looking forward to. These have become our alternative to travel during the pandemic.

  • Groceries every other week and CSA pickup every week and curbside pickups. The routines of replenishing our supplies are functional and also provide us an opportunity to leave the confines of our neighborhood. Sometimes I use the opportunity to photograph a sunrise or the plantings at the CSA. As the weather has cooled, wearing a mask has become even easier.

It’s always good to have plans. We’re assuming that the pandemic will be the status quo at least through the end of the year (and probably beyond) and we plan to continue our strategies to reduce our risk. We are also assuming that the area of Maryland where we live will continue to adhere to CDC guidance as well as is happening now.

  • We’ll probably take a few fall foliage road trips like the trip we made to Conowingo – maybe to Catoctin/Cunningham Falls or Dan’s Mountain.

  • At some point we might get a POD container to load up with non-essential furniture and boxed items to make it easier to re-carpet our house as soon as COVID-19 is controlled.

  • And then there are the holidays….with special food and creative ways to enjoy our family even though we will not be in one location.

Conowingo on a Fall Morning – Part 2

Continuing our short field trip/road trip to Conowingo (part 1 post is here)….

Today’s post focuses on the Great Blue Heron that was relatively close to our viewing location (in the lower left of the image below).

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It stayed on the same rock for quite some time. I took portrait shots when it moved any part of its body. It is a bird that was born this year…just getting in some adult feathers. I think my favorite of the portraits is the one with beak pointed down…a rather stern-loooking image. Something caught the bird’s attention away from the water at some point and it turned toward the rocky embankment.

It looked around and it became obvious that the bird was going to move.

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It didn’t fly….it started walking. Note the big toes as it takes a step (use the arrows to move back and forth between the 2 images).

And then it was off….making it’s way to a new vantage point – where it stayed until we left. It must have gotten a fish earlier because it seemed to be observing the scene rather than actively fishing.

Unique Activities for Yesterday:

Hawai’i Island Festival of the Birds. The festival starts on 10/15 and registration is free (site to register is here). I registered weeks ago but checked to make sure I had all the info I needed to find the festival on the 1st day. The videos are pre-recorded and made available on the day they are listed on the calendar of events. I except to see birds that I have never seen before! When I visited Hawai’i in 2015, I was so overwhelmed by everything else that was new to me that I only noticed a few birds. I’d like to go for the festival some year.

Gleanings of the Week Ending October 10, 2020

The items below were ‘the cream’ of the articles and websites I found this past week. Click on the light green text to look at the article.

The mystery of why some vaccines are doubly beneficial - BBC Future – Vaccines have ‘non-specific effects’ that provide benefits beyond keeping individuals from catching a disease. The examples in the article include studies of the measles vaccine in West Africa and the BCG vaccine for tuberculosis.

Meet the Goat Antelopes: Strange, Large Mammals of the Mountains – I remember seeing mountain goats with young in South Dakota in June 1997. My young daughter wanted to climb rocks like the goats! This article is about similar animals from all around the world.

Researchers Say Restricted Human Access At Cape Hatteras National Seashore Benefits Birds – Hurray for management of beaches to allow these birds to successfully raise their young!

The Medieval Archaeological Heritage Of Eastern Andalusia – 10 centuries of Medieval history in one place.

Read All About It: What's New In Home Energy Storage Research – An overview of the state-of-the-art in home energy storage…and important component in the transition to renewable energy.

The surprising dangers of cooking and cleaning - BBC Future – Thinking more about what we put into the air inside our home these days. The houses are better sealed and central heat/air means we don’t open our windows as frequently (if at all).

Record Flooding Threatens Millennia-Old Pyramids in Sudan | Smart News | Smithsonian Magazine – A part of Ancient Egyptian history in danger…flooding and then looting too.

Top 25 birds of the week: Colours - Wild Bird Revolution  - Can’t pass up the bird photos!

Macro Photos Take Us Inside the Enchanted World of Insects – Highlighting insects now…they are full of surprises. And are challenging to photograph too.

The World's Largest Chocolate Museum Debuts in Switzerland | Smart News | Smithsonian Magazine – 65,000 square feet of the Lindt Home of Chocolate….includes a production line. There is an animated video in the post since very few of us will get there anytime soon. We can buy Lindt chocolate though.

The Butterflies of the British Isles (ebook)

I enjoyed browsing through The Butterflies of the British Isles by Richard South on Internet Archive (here). It was published in 1906 by Frederick Warne & Co. – the publisher of Beatrix Potter’s Peter Rabbit.

The butterfly illustrations are excellent with males and females…the different sides of the wings…and caterpillars.

The Camberwell Beauty is familiar to us in North America; we call it the Mourning Cloak. One of the highlights of the illustrations was the inclusion of magnified images of the eggs of most of the butterflies. They are so tiny that most of the time they appear like spheres to us (when we notice them at all) but with the right equipment, they are not all spheres and sometimes the shape is unique enough to identify the species that laid the egg!

Back in 2013, I photographed a Mourning Cloak in our plum tree in early April. It looks so battered that it was probably one that overwintered.

Note: I am finding so many interesting eBooks right now that I’ve decided to do one post per week rather than accumulating 3 for a monthly post. So – enjoy an online book-of-the-week going forward!

Conowingo on a Fall Morning – Part 1

My husband and I took a ‘field trip’ to Conowingo dam this week – the first such trip since last February; we did it in a low risk way and will probably enjoy the fall a bit over the next few weeks with similar outings. We were gone for a little over 3 hours…with 2 of the hours on the road. At Conowingo we made a short stop at the Visitor Center for a ‘rest stop’ with masks…hand washing…and then hand sanitizer once we were back in the car. I took some pictures of the Bald Eagle carving and some of the plantings in front of the visitor center.

When we got to the fishing/bird viewing area – we noticed the low water right away. The dam was not generating so the fish were not being churned up. Note how calm the water is toward the dam. Do you see the Great Blue Heron in the lower left? Part 2 of this post will be about that bird.

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There was an adult Bald Eagle on the ’50 yds’ abutment that stayed for the entire time we were there. I took digiscope pictures (i.e. phone attached to spotting scope on a tripod) first. The bird is looking around and the breeze is ruffling feathers on the head.

Then I took some pictures with by Canon Powershot SX 60 HS (bridge camera) on a monopod….which is my usual birding camera. The bird was moving its head more….it seemed intent on not moving any other part of its body though! I’m still more comfortable using the camera rather than the digiscope.

The birds on the water today were Double Crested Cormorants. They were sometimes in groups….usually on their own diving quickly to go after fish.

I saw one come up with a fish and then noticed a Great Blue Heron (not the heron in the earlier picture) flying toward it. By the time I started taking pictures the heron had plopped down right next to the cormorant….but the cormorant made a quick get away with his prize leaving a surprised heron behind. Use the arrows to move through the 5 images.

I always try to look at the Paulownia (princess tree) growing on the cliff next to the parking area. The seed pods are maturing. It’s an invasive tree but one that it tolerated – sometimes – because it is pretty.

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Unique Activities for Yesterday:

Notification that ballot was received. I got an email from my state acknowledging that the ballot I put in the drop box has been received! I great to get that confirmation. The email included a link to the Maryland site where I can find out when it is accepted/counted too. There was a local news story saying that my county would start counting on the 12th so I’ll start checking every day after that.

Last CSA flowers? The cutting garden at the CSA is winding down. The zinnias are about done for the year. I got one sunflower and then some smaller purple ones (don’t know what they are) to make a small bouquet to sit in the kitchen window along with the green tomatoes I hope will turn red. I’ve already enjoyed 2 that turned red recently.



Early voting has started in Maryland.  My husband and I made a small outing yesterday to take our ballots to the drop box located at the early voting location closest to our house. We did that to reduce the workload on the Post Office. We had followed directions from the state of Maryland and requested a ballot to be mailed to us rather than printing it since that makes it easier for them to validate and count the ballot. The directions that came with the ballot were easy to follow So – we are confident that our vote is going to be counted and we’ve done what we could to reduce the overhead.

The drop box was located just outside of the polling location and there were no other people around when we first got there but as I got back in the car someone else drove up and put their ballot in the box as we drove away. It’s good to have done our voting early…and with low risk of COVID-19 encounter.

On the way home, I noticed that the red maples are changing in our area. I took some pictures through the car windshield as we drove down the street of our neighborhood. I was a coolish fall day….sunny and beautiful. It was a good finale to our small outing.

Unique Activities for Yesterday:

Sweet potato custard. The uncured sweet potatoes I have gotten the past 2 weeks from our CSA have been huge so I cooked them and then made custard (I’ll have to freeze some of the puree but that just means we’ll have plenty to last…probably through Thanksgiving with the addition of the butternut and acorn squashes as well. I had some left-over spaghetti squash for this first custard and it provided a coconut flake texture (without coconut flavor).

2 wheelbarrows full. I did some quick clean up on the front flowerbeds and some thick leaf piles. I did the last trimming of bushes since it is getting cool enough now that they are probably the way they will be going through the winter. Then I got some leaves off the driveway and quickly discovered that I should just mow the leaves. I quickly filled 2 wheelbarrows!

Cape May Fall Festival

Friday through Sunday were three intense days of webinars from New Jersey Audubon’s Cape May Bird Observatory (CMBO): the virtual Cape May Fall Festival We enjoyed their virtual festival last spring as well (posts for day 1, day 2); the organization tweaked a few things for this fall one that made it even better; I noticed the roving reporters out in the field and a little bit longer breaks. The days still started at 7 or 8 AM and ended at 5 or 6 (with one evening session after a 2-hour break). I learned to use the breaks to get up and move!

There is a lot of bird monitoring activity (Avalon Seawatch, Cape May Hawkwatch, and Morning Flight Songbirds) in the fall and the CMBO makes it easy to see the results with the buttons for Real-time Counts via Trektellen on their website(near the bottom of the page).

The weather was perfect for a big morning flight of songbirds on Saturday – 27,000 birds in 6 hours! See the Saturday results here – and check out other days going forward. There were huge numbers of warblers. The little bit larger songbirds that we saw (through the great work of the person filming the roving reporters) were Northern Flickers and Blue Jays (3,538 and 1,496 were counted for the morning). The songbirds migrate at night and are funneled down from points north to the Cape May Peninsula where most of them drop down for food and rest before continuing on – most of them working their way back to the north and west around Delaware Bay to then continue their southward migration.

The Hawkwatch also saw a lot of birds on Saturday (results here). These birds migrate during the day. There were 194 Cooper’s Hawks that came through.

The Avalon Seawatch had a bigger day on Sunday with over 1,000 (each) black scoters and double crested cormorants.

There were places featured in the talks and roving reports that we had seen in Spring 2019 (like South Cape May Meadows, Cape May Bird Observation Deck, Higbee Beach Wildlife Management Area, CMBO’s Northwood Center) and then the Edwin B. Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge which was new to us. So many places we would like to be!

There is a also a CMBO Monarch Monitoring Project that tags butterflies! Even though the large winter numbers of Monarchs in Mexico were found in 1975, it was not until 1998 when 7 of Cape May tagged butterflies were found there that the debate of where the east coast Monarchs migrated was finally settled. The results of the monitoring at Cape May are reported in a table on the website.

Virtual sessions are great for classroom type presentations too. At birding festivals, I tend to always opt for the field sessions, so this year of virtual festivals has been great for the classroom-based skill building. I particularly enjoyed learning more about raptor id (in flight), winter seabirds of New Jersey, ravens, other bird observatories (international), international birding tours, and the bird id game done by 3 NJ Audubon’s Young Birder Club members (wow….they have impressive id skills and are good at sharing their knowledge). The Cornell Lab of Ornithology provided the one evening session; I learned about Birds of the World (a new subscription based resource) and more about resources I already know about/use:

One of the sessions brought up the topic of some birds eating Monarch butterflies and seemingly not suffering any effects. My husband and I remembered that we saw that on at a previous birding festival…and I looked back through my blog posts to find out where and when and what kind of bird. It was Couch’s Kingbird on Nov. 11, 2017 and I posted about it on Nov. 27th. It was at a woodlot on South Padre Island, Texas during the Rio Grande Valley Birding Festival. I have two of my pictures from that event below. It’s always great to savor the memories of previous sessions an realize how much we seen/learned over the past few years of birding festivals.

Another prompt to think about personal history that was brought up in one of the sessions: What was your ‘spark’ bird (i.e. the one that got you interested in birds)? I tried to think back to birds that I remember from early in my life. Northern Cardinal is one – definitely. They were around in Wichita Falls, Texas….and stand out in any landscape because of their color. I remember some coloring pages from 1st or 2nd grade of various bird species and learning about Baltimore Orioles…but not seeing one until I was over 60 years old! Why didn’t the curriculum feature birds that we were more likely to see where we lived? I also remember being thrilled to see a Roseate Spoonbill the first time I went to Florida for a space shuttle launch in the 1980s; I’m not sure when I first learned about the bird but it was one that I knew when I first saw it in the field.

Overall – the Cape May Fall Festival was 3 days well spent. My husband also ordered the t-shirt for me since it is red ---- a good color for me. We ware looking forward to future festivals that we can enjoy in the field…but learned a lot and enjoyed this one. Kudos to the CMBO for doing this!

eBotanical Prints – September 2020

19 new items added to the collection in September and they are all volumes of the same publication: Annals of Botany. The Biodiversity Heritage Library has the volumes fully available from 1888 (when the publication started) until 1923; the access page has a pull down to select the volume of interest. I looked at the volumes from 1888 to 1905 in September and will continue through the rest in October. So far – most of the illustrations are more micro oriented than the typical ‘botanical print’ but it’s another aspect of illustration of the botanical world that I want to include in the collection.

The whole list of 1,982 books can be accessed here. Sample images and links for the 19 new ones are provided below. (click on the sample image to see a larger view). Enjoy!

Annals of Botany V1 (1888) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1888

Annals of Botany V2 (1889) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1889

Annals of Botany V3 (1890) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1890

Annals of Botany V4 (1891) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1991

Annals of Botany V5 (1891) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1891

Annals of Botany V6 (1892) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1892

Annals of Botany V7 (1893) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1893

Annals of Botany V8 (1894) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1894

Annals of Botany V9 (1895) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1895

Annals of Botany V10 (1896) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1896

Annals of Botany V11 (1897) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1897

Annals of Botany V12 (1898) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1898

Annals of Botany V13 (1899) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1899

Annals of Botany V14 (1899) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1900

Annals of Botany V15 (1901) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1901

Annals of Botany V16 (1902) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1902

Annals of Botany V17 (1903) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1903

Annals of Botany V18 (1904) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1904

Annals of Botany V19 (1905) * Balfour, Isaac Bayley * sample image * 1905

Unique Activities for Yesterday:

Maple tree seedling update. The maple seedling that I pulled from the front flowerbed is still healthy in the window. It’s grown a little - both in the upper stem/leaves and the roots. It will be interesting to see if the leaves turn red at the same time as the red maple outside or if they stay green because it is warmer on my windowsill than outdoors.

2020 09 IMG_2253.jpg

I am still enjoying flower from the CSA cutting garden but they’re probably close to the end. There were not as many to choose from this week and they don’t seem to last as long as cut flowers.

Digiscoping Peacock Feathers

I did another practice with the digiscope set up (previous post about the apparatus) - inside the house this time. I set the tripod with the spotting scope and phone in the kitchen; the peacock feathers on the fireplace mantle were far enough away to focus. We’d taken the cover off the scope, so it was easier to reach the focus knob. I liked the results. It is easier get the macro type image without getting in the way of the light (i.e. getting close) and the depth of field is better.

The feathers are over 10 years old and they are showing some degradation, but the physical color is very stable…not fading like with pigment based color. I played around with shifting the color a little with slight adjustments in focus.

Now I am ready for a digiscoping field trip!

Unique Activities for Yesterday:

Cardinal juvenile update. The young bird now has orange beak and it’s managing the feeder roosts. The crest and some of the other feathers are still developing into the adult form for this female Northern Cardinal. It came all by itself, so the parents are free from their feeding duties at this point.

Falling sycamore leaves. Our deck is catching a lot of the sycamore leaves that are falling. The patterns of the fall changes in the leaves caught my interest. All the stems are brown…and often the area along the main veins is brown or yellow. It’s surprising how much green there still is.